Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diversity and Ethics in the Workplace - 796 Words

Employment Discrimination is and has been one of the most common forms of repression in different societies and cultures in all times. Global and cultural diversity are the biggest and most important challenges that organizations face in nowadays. The diversity of the workforce means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, ethnic origin, for health, occupation, etc. Diversity is an advantage in this global world, and it cannot be considered as a disadvantage in obtaining opportunities (McGuire amp; Mammed, 2010). The most common policies by companies to demonstrate their commitment to diversity is increasing and perform actions on gender equality within its†¦show more content†¦Also, improve human relations at work and create better organizational climate. The concept of diversity means understanding, respect and value all people with their differences, including the characteristics that make each of us unique individuals. To be committed to diversity consist in not discriminate people, because of disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or social background; is to allow each individual to give the best of himself/herself contributing with his/her knowledge, energy, and talent to the goals of the organization. Workplaces can benefit from the mix of cultures, traditions, and experiences. People of a different ethnic background bring new energy and vitality to the workplace. Diversity allows people who do not naturally see the world in the same way to learn to work with each other, solve problems together, and work together for success (McGuire amp; Mammed, 2010). We also need to understand gender differences in the workplace because gender may define certain attitudes, behavior, and thinking. Both men and women are equally capable in the work force. We must show respect for each gender’s different approaches and views because doing so will be beneficial to everyoneShow MoreRelated Managing Diversity and Ethics in the Workplace - 12979 Words   |  12 Pages Managing Diversity and Ethics in the Workplace Introduction There steps leaders and managers can take to effectively manage diversity and ethics concerns. How a manager effectively manages ethics and diversity, within the organization is directly correlated to the cultural, organizational and external environment influence ethical behavior. One of the step’s leaders and managers can take is to incorporate diversity training of the organization. ThisRead MoreDiversity And Public Administration By Harvey L. White And Rice1254 Words   |  6 Pages In the book entitled, Diversity and Public Administration by Harvey L. White and Mitchell F. 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Diversity is one of those problems, diverse workplace is made up of employees of different races, genders, abilities, ages and cultural differences. A company that lacks diversity often experiences deterioration of employee morale, a drop in productivity and a flat-lining bottom line. Maintaining diversity and ethics practices is important to most small businesses who want to gain the loyalty of employees and trust of consumers. According to Joshua Joseph of the Ethics Resource Centre

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